HTML Slidy remote - a Presentation API demo

Hi Second Screen Presentation CG,

In the interest of experimenting with the Presentation API, I updated 
the Presentation API JS shim that Dominik had created for the initial 
Presentation API demo to support:
  1. message passing as specified in the current report
  2. Chromecast devices through the Google Cast extension in Google Chrome

I created an "HTML Slidy remote" demo that uses the shim and lets one 
project a presentation made with HTML Slidy onto a second screen and 
control it from the initial screen afterwards:

For the source code, look at:

The demo only really does something useful provided you have a 
Chromecast at hand (and are running the demo in Google Chrome with the 
Google Cast extension enabled) OR are running the custom build of 
Chromium described at

The demo falls back to emulating a second screen in a pop-up window 
otherwise... provided you allow the page to create pop-ups (as opposed 
to the initial demo, the fallback occurs in an asynchronous callback 
here, so your browser will likely block the attempt to open the pop-up 
window by default).

Corner situations such as session resuming, "addEventListener" on custom 
objects, the "availablechange" event, etc. are not yet supported. The 
code also makes use of advanced JS features such as Promise that are not 
yet supported by all Web browsers.

The goal of this demo was to test the Presentation API with another type 
of remote screen and to try out a second screen scenario that did not 
involve videos.


Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 10:25:49 UTC