Re: minutes of face to face meeting

Hi JC,

I only see your concern about the two UAs and the overlap with other groups
in the minutes. Could you, please, elaborate? What are these other groups
you are talking about that cover the two UA case?

Many thanks,

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:48 PM, JC Verdie <> wrote:

> Dear group
> I apologise if I missed a discussion regarding the one vs two UA, but
> according to the minutes of the f2f meeting in Shenzhen [1]. I apologise if
> there has been a conclusion in the meantime. I wanted to say again that I
> don’t think this group should work on the two UA case, which is already
> covered elsewhere in the W3C.
> Depending on how the group works and where it’s headed, it might be a good
> thing to communicate with other groups but I’d rather avoid having two
> places for the same discussion.
> Moreover, the one UA case is very specific and leads to various new
> opportunities and should be handled with care. That’s already a lot on
> one’s plate AFAIC.
> Best regards,
> JC
> [1]
> On 14November 2013 at 01:51:19, JC ( wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > This email is just a heads-up for the chairs :)
> >
> > I'll be waiting for the minutes of yesterday meeting to be linked
> > from the wiki page to make an official reaction on the question
> > of one vs two User Agents focus for this group
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > -- JC
> >
> >
> --
> JC Verdie

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 23:05:38 UTC