Re: Presentation API changes proposal

Hi Anton, Miguel, Peter,

welcome to the CG - good to have you guys joining! And thanks for your
detailed feedback and change proposals.

On Tue, 2014-01-07 at 16:10 +0000, Anton Vayvod wrote:

> Even before Google joined the Second Screen Presentation Community
> Group, we had been closely following the development of the
> Presentation API[1]. We would like to propose some changes to the
> specification in order to allow not just mirroring technologies to be
> built on top of it, but also allow media flinging technologies (like
> Chromecast, [2]). In that case, one user agent triggers and controls
> the content on the second screen, while a second user agent displays
> the content and responds to the commands it receives.

Yes - maybe let's clarify the terms a bit. I think the main distinction
is the feasibility of implementing the API with either one or two user
agents, or keeping it open to be implementable in both ways.

With Google's Chromecast background, I can see your interest in editing
the spec in a way that does not make a single UA solution obligatory. 

Even assuming a single UA implementation, I would perhaps not call the
functionality "mirroring", since the single UA can prepare different
rendering output for the first window and the presentation window.

> This would have some implications on the API itself: it would become
> possible for media to continue playing, even when the user agent that
> triggered it is killed, for example because the associated tab has
> been closed. Because of that, we would also need to be able to connect
> to already in-progress sessions.

That is a useful feature, I think. It's also in line with what Dean
Jackson from Apple was suggesting during the TPAC session: We should
keep in mind that the destination devices may have considerable
computing power - so it seems quite straightforward to give them a
chance to run standalone.

> With that in mind, the first change we would like to propose to
> the API is as follows:
> Promise requestShow(optional DOMString url = "about:blank", optional
> boolean infinitePlay = false); [3]
> Calling requestShow with a url of a session in progress would return
> the WindowProxy (or MessagePort) of the session in progress instead of
> prompting the user.

This sounds like a good idea to me. 
In addition to the questions that Anssi raised, I would suggest:

Perhaps we can tweak the naming. Something like "stayAfterUnload",
"persistAfterUnload" or similar.

To avoid the boolean, we could pass an options object, which
would later allow other constraints on display type, resolution or
similar, as some people suggested during TPAC.

Promise requestShow(optional DOMString url = "about:blank",
                    optional PresentationOptions)

with an options object like:

options = { persistent: true };

> On top of this change, we’d also like to explore two other things that
> would make the API easier to implement and use.
> Promise searchSecondScreens(optional DOMString url);
> This would replace displayAvailable and onDisplayAvailableChange. The
> promise would return true if there is at least one display available
> for this url. The implementation of the method can certainly cache
> devices and keep a similar displayAvailable + event handler mechanism
> internally.
IMO it's a clever idea to query by URL for display availability. It
combines the availability of storing the user's preference/previous
allow/reject decisions with querying for existing sessions according to
your proposal above.

However, could you explain a little more what this URL here represents:
Is this the same URL as in requestShow, i.e. a "remote screen app" page
location href? Or is this URL more used in the sense of an application
or organization identifier and does not actually point to a document?

Would there be some cross-origin restrictions on what the URL can be? Or
could we strip the url parameter and use the primary page's
document.location.href as the query parameter/reference?

Would the primary page have to call this function periodically to see
displays going away? That's perhaps not the most elegant way to find
out about a Chromecast or a Miracast display going offline, or changing
subnet for example.

> Finally we’d like to change the spec so that the Promise object can
> return a small wrapper over MessagePort instead of a WindowsProxy.
> Implementing a full WindowsProxy will add additional and unnecessary
> complexity, making browser implementations harder without a need.
In my opinion that is a good direction to decouple the UAs here and
allow single or dual UA implementations. 

It has a couple of implications though, which we need to solve:

What we get with WindowProxy: 
- If we return a WindowProxy we can use
Web Messaging in a straightforward way. We can just call
seconScreen.postMessage(...) and inside the page on the secondary
screen we can add an event listener to the message event / assign an
onmessage handler. 
- We have an onunload event, at least for pages that
are opened from same origin.

Unfortunately, MessagePorts do not have onclose events anymore.

Now, if we change this to let's say the following object as the result
of the Promise returned from the call to requestShow():
PresentationWindow {
   EventHandler onclose;
   MessagePort port;

We would have such an onclose event and we have communication from
primary page to the secondary one. But where does the other end of the
MessagePort go, where does it surface on the presentation window end?

One possibility is to add another event "onconnected" or similar to the
navigator.presentation object and deliver a MessagePort there? This
event would fire only on pages that are opened as "receiver
applications" in Chromecast terms. And this page's onunload would
correspond to the PresentationWindow's onclose for example.

Looking forward to hearing thoughts and suggestions, especially on how
to solve those issues in the previous paragraphs,

> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 15:18:15 UTC