from September 2024 by subject

(Tentative) TPAC 2024 WEBRTC WG Agenda

[mediacapture-handle] [mediacapture-handle-actions] Missing tasks in parallel steps in The Capture-Handle Actions Mechanism (#77)

[mediacapture-image] Missing tasks in parallel steps in MediaStream Image Capture (#308)

[mediacapture-main] `beforeunload` prompt should display for active Media Capture sessions (#1013)

[mediacapture-main] Missing tasks in parallel steps in Media Capture and Streams (#1012)

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Define MediaStreamTrack.[[Restrictable]]

[mediacapture-output] Mediacapture-output should define what the empty string (aka default device) means? (#146)

[mediacapture-output] Missing tasks in parallel steps in Audio Output Devices API (#145)

[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Update

[mediacapture-region] Missing tasks in parallel steps in Region Capture (#84)

[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Add interactions with capture/presentation/receive/RTP timestamps

[mediacapture-transform] We shouldn't require track transferability (#113)

[mediacapture-viewport] Missing tasks in parallel steps in Viewport Capture (#25)

[mediacapture-viewport] Pull Request: [=navigable/active document=]

[mediacapture-viewport] Pull Request: Fix [=active document=]

[mediacapture-viewport] Pull Request: Fix [=default allowlist=]

[mediacapture-viewport] Pull Request: Fix [=nested browsing context=]

[mediacapture-viewport] Pull Request: s/...Constraints/...Options

[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Add WebRTC-specific interactions with capture/receive/RTP timestamps

[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Correct a typo in sample code

[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: nit: r/are/MUST be downscaled

[webrtc-extensions] What happens if scaleTo: {360p, 720p} and frame is 360 (#222)

[webrtc-pc] `negotiationneeded` event payload should be more descriptive about what is triggering the event (#3003)

[webrtc-pc] Publish Recommendation with Proposed Amendments (#3001)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Clarify that stopping of sending and receiving happens in parallel

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Complete ice server url validation

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix timestamp definition to align with webrtc-stats

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Improve amendment management

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Reject ICE servers with an authority component or /

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Revert "Merge pull request #2935 from w3c/redefine-codecs"

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Support proposed amendments

[webrtc-pc] Revert integration of URL parser for ICE servers from Recommendation text (#2997)

[webrtc-pc] RTCStats::timestamp discrepancy between webrtc-stats and webrtc-pc (#3004)

[webrtc-rtptransport] How does RTCRtpTranport(Processor) work with RTCRtpSendStream/RTCRtpReceiveStream? (#71)

[webrtc-rtptransport] How to (poly)fill out customPeerConnectionWithRtpSender() > (#69)

[webrtc-rtptransport] Pull Request: Copy content to Bikeshed document

[webrtc-rtptransport] Pull Request: Create index.html

[webrtc-rtptransport] Pull Request: Delete examples in the explainer

[webrtc-rtptransport] Pull Request: Update

[webrtc-rtptransport] Should RTCRtpTransport(Processor) use event handlers for packet notifications? (#70)

[webrtc-stats] Add definitions of corruption detection measurement statistics (#787)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Add definitions of corruption detection measurements

PSA: My GitHub username changed from mfoltzgoogle => markafoltz

Realtime Web Track Breakout Sessions at TPAC 2024

Weekly github digest (WebRTC WG specifications)

Last message date: Thursday, 26 September 2024 22:20:55 UTC