Re: Hackathon at IETF 115

Looking forward to it!

Sergio's also suggested that we keep the hackathon site open for at 
least some time going forward (at least next week), so that we're not 
limited to the weekend.

Some of the pieces can be shimmed on top of existing APIs - part of the 
hackathon exercise will be to see what can't be shimmed.

I've got the beginnings of a skeleton together - but the innards are 
still largely empty.

On 11/5/22 13:49, T H Panton wrote:
> I can’t attend unfortunately - but I will post a few issues on the repo.
> Perhaps we could also continue the work under the umbrella of - as a halfway house between IETF and W3C ?
> I have the feeling that this api could be spun up on top of one of the webRTC stacks quite quickly as a sort of PoC.
> Tim.
>> On 3 Nov 2022, at 11:48, Harald Alvestrand <> wrote:
>> This weekend is the IETF hackathon in London.
>> I'm putting up a table there with a WebRTC sign on it, with the stated purpose (based on a suggestion by Bernard Aboba) being to investigate new shapes of APIs for encoded media by making "demos" that exercise those APIs.
>> This follows on from the discussions about encoded media APIs at TPAC.
>> It's likely to be possible to get those demos somewhat functional by shimming "new" APIs on top of the older APIs - not to achieve the full functionality, but to get a "feel" for how it's possible to write the kind of apps that we may want.
>> As usual, this is late in preparation and late in announcing - the repository has only a few skeletons still - but the opportunity is there, and it seemed too good to miss.
>> The repository is
>> We'll figure out something for remote participation if we have remote participants who want to take part.
>> See you (in person or virtually) there!
>> Harald

Received on Saturday, 5 November 2022 13:29:39 UTC