[minutes] October 28 meeting


The minutes of our WebRTC TPAC Meeting held today (October 28) are
available at:

and copied as text below.

                            WebRTC WG TPAC 2021 meeting

28 October 2021

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/TPAC_2021#WebRTC_WG_Meeting
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/28-webrtc-irc


          Bernard, BrianBaldino, Cullen, Dom, EeroHakkinen,
          EladAlon, FlorentCastelli, HaraldAlvestrand,
          HiroshiKajihata, JakeHolland, JanIvarBruaroey,
          Louay_Bassbouss, LouayBassbouss, RandellJesup,
          TakioYamoka, TimPanton, TovePetersson, VarunSingh,
          YouennFablet, ZoltanKis


          Bernard, harald, Jan-Ivar



    1. [4]State of the WebRTC WG
    2. [5]Media Capture Transform
    3. [6]Wrap-up

Meeting minutes

   Slideset: [7]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/


  State of the WebRTC WG

   [ [8]Slide 10 ]


   Harald: We'll review what we're chartered to do
   … What we've been doing (not in too many details)
   … and what we need to do going forward

   [ [9]Slide 11 ]


   Harald: We last rechartered in October 2020, with a focus on
   forward looking changes
   … there is also a bunch of document that needs to get published
   and maintained - 15 listed in the charter
   … the charter pushes us toward starting from use cases for new
   … and look at direct control (inspired by ORTC)

   [ [10]Slide 12 ]


   Harald: What we have done within our chartered work:
   … We have got WebRTC 1.0 to Rec!!!!
   … we're still working on bringing mediacapture-main to Rec
   … and have 13 documents that are more or less dormant

   <vr000m> Hi, could someone let me in to the Hangout call?

   Harald: use cases need more work, incl clarity on what they are
   and need
   … we're also doing maintenance work on webrtc based on the bugs
   found through experience, with fixes coming in
   … in some cases, it's a matter of aligning the spec with
   existing implementations

   [ [11]Slide 13 ]


   Harald: what we've done beyond what the charter envisioned - a
   number of extensions have been proposed
   … they unlock some use cases, but not necessarily the ones
   we've listed
   … some of these proposals have been highly controversial, some
   a bit, and some not at all

   [ [12]Slide 14 ]


   <vr000m> @dom no a different URL. joining the new one, thanks!

   Harald: one of my worries is that a lot of the discussions are
   happening between roughly 3 people, all representing browser
   … the mailing list is mostly used for announcements, and the
   debates happen mostly in github issues
   … we've managed to pull feedback from other groups (which is
   good), but failed to attract input from our own group (bad)
   … may be too hard to follow, or not directly relevant to most
   participants - but that's worrisome in the quality of consensus
   we're obtaining

   [ [13]Slide 15 ]


   Harald: The way we imagined the work would happen: a need
   emerges, is distilled in a scenario in the use case doc, we
   build an extension to match, and get consensus on it

   [ [14]Slide 16 ]


   Harald: but in practice, the needs tend to emerge "in house"
   … the solution gets developed also in house
   … which is then brought to the WG
   … and then we're struggling in finding consensus, esp fast
   … e.g. my 11 months journey on breakout box
   … is an illustration on how we don't want the process to go

   [ [15]Slide 17 ]


   Harald: Another problem is editing resources
   … The goal of W3C process is to reach Recommendation
   … that means a spec with consensus, a test suite that exercises
   that can be tested
   … and matching implementations
   … We have a lot of documents that are languishing
   … they specific interface present (maybe) in some browsers
   … but we're missing test suites, implementations, people that
   address bug fixes
   … that is worrisome
   … Who need these features? can those that need these features
   put the time and energy to get the work done?
   … If nobody shows up, should we abandon the work?

   TimP: in the process you describe we currently use is strongly
   tied to ability to deploy new browser code
   … which reinforces the problem you were describing in terms of

   Harald: the only counter-example I can think of is Sergio
   bringing SVC to Chromium
   … it shows it's possible to bring code in Chrome without being
   a Googler
   … but I agree the risk you describe is real

   Youenn: 13 documents is a lot, but some are with
   implementations (getDisplayMedia, mediarecorder)
   … they get updated based on implementation feedback
   … they're shipped and used, they need to pass the line to go to
   … what will be the gain to go to Rec?
   … this may explain the lack of motivation
   … if we have good enough interop

   Harald: one of my example was on media capture depth

   Bernard: in IETF, we pared down the process because it was too
   much work with too little benefit
   … the same may be happening here
   … due to the different between costs and benefits
   … but we need to distinguish the ones that are abandoned and
   not used, vs those that are not pushed forward

   Harald: quite a few are in active use in multiple browsers
   … but the presence of years old bugs in these specs make me

   Cullen: in the general sense, when the WebRTC effort started,
   it was seen as a negotiation between implementors and users
   … but the W3C Process gives a veto to implementors on every
   thing (esp given that there isn't so many real different
   … I'm not saying it didn't work in delivering result, but if it
   has become a one-sided process, it has led to a one-sided
   … In terms of the use cases that are needed: we're doing this
   for developers, but also for end users
   … every major rtc apps are moving away from the Web because of
   the poor UX there
   … the biggest reason being likely camera/microphone selection
   … we need to look at it holistically
   … the Web apps would be better in many ways, but we need to go
   back to look at the pain points

   dom: re reaching Rec, we're in a position to assert how much
   efforts is worth doing in going to the last stage - but we need
   people to do to assessment; in terms of process - I don't think
   the W3C process is one-sided, but if it has worked that way in
   the group, than obviously we need to improve

   TimP: I don't expect vendors to go back to the Web given all
   the investments in native
   … what we should be look at instead is where it isn't used and
   it should be
   … my own view is IoT
   … there are just a few things that needs changing that would
   make it so much easier
   … I would love for us solve these issues, mostly around ICE

   Jan-Ivar: Companies have been redirecting from Web to apps
   beyond WebRTC due to other incentives
   … and the WebRTC client gives broader reach when the audience
   doesn't want to install the app of the host
   … The fact that we're recording and publishing our meetings may
   play as a disincentive to participation

   Bernard: thanks - we need to move on but we'll need to discuss
   this more

  Media Capture Transform

   [ [16]Slide 19 ]


   [ [17]Slide 22 ]


   [scribe missed part of discussion due to connection issue]

   JIB: re audio, one way to move ahead may be to polyfill the API
   based on audio worklet
   … re main thread, both proposals can be made to work on the
   main thread

   youenn: I would say there are 3 proposals, with Jan-Ivar's
   taking the middle path between the two others
   … it's difficult to try to solve everything
   … we really need to improve video transform - that's our P1
   … if we focus on that, we can go faster
   … if we're trying to address the problem of audio or main
   thread, it will only delay getting to a good solution for the
   biggest issue of video processing
   … I would leave anything but video processing on the side
   … the key question is whether to use streams or not - I'm
   hoping the discussion with the WHATWG Streams editors will give
   us a good picture of whether Streams is workable
   … I wouldn't make a decision before we have that discussion

   Bernard: our ongoing work is at the intersection of multiple
   groups: webcodecs, ml, audio, ...
   … we don't always understand how these intersections work
   … e.g. how well would media capture transform would work with
   ML APIs
   … that makes it harder to answer the design questions
   … when in the end, all the APIs need to work together

   Harald: we manage to Stream-based WebRTC Encoded Transform API
   that was developed at the same time of Web Codecs with a
   different frame format
   … which is now causing issues
   … getting interfaces to work together is problematic -
   cross-participation helps, but it's hard to find people that
   can do that

   Bernard: so what should be our next steps? we've mentioned the
   joint meeting on the Streams issues
   … but about the other aspects?

   Jan-Ivar: the poll only indicated major support for Streams; no
   clear support for audio or main thread

   Youenn: before picking stream-based, I think we need to have a
   clearer picture of streams
   … e.g. Dom asked whether it solves more than issue than it
   created, which to me is still unclear
   … a future version of Streams might have these issues solved,
   which may lead to clear informed answer
   … hopefully we can have an answer in the upcoming few days or

   Harald: I can wait a few more weeks - but we can decide that
   we're adopting a stream-based proposal knowing the decision can
   be revisited if it turns out unworkable
   … failure is part of life
   … but if we wait too long, there is no path to success

   Youenn: we can keep making progress in the github issues

   Bernard: my biggest concern with streams is around feedback
   between stages
   … stream backpressure doesn't help with encoder rate control
   … Harald argued we needed to feedback stream, but we haven't
   worked it out yet

   Youenn: it might be worth filing an issue - not sure if it
   needs to be streams based

   Jan-Ivar: I feel pretty confident about the upcoming Streams
   meeting - we're getting positive signals on getting some of the
   resolutions we want landed in
   … In terms of rate control - is it specifically about streams
   getting in the way?

   bernard: probably just not helping

   jan-ivar: assuming the stream discussions turns out as I
   expect, how do we move forward with the two other questions?

   Harald: re rate control, my initial design had a stream going
   the other way for feedback incl rate control
   … but I abandoned it because it could only be useful if fully
   … I thought we had an open bug on it, but can't find it - will
   open one
   … not clear that the backchannel had to be stream-based in

   TimP: if you look at gstreamer, the backchannel isn't done the
   same way as the forward channel
   … it's pub/sub bus
   … I think the backchannel needs more flexibility that what
   streams can give you

   Jan-Ivar: one way I would frame the state we're in - we have
   consensus about exposure in workers, we don't have consensus on
   main thread
   … we could proceed by starting with workers-only - exposing on
   the main thread would be a simple IDL change

   Harald: that's possible; speaking with my Chrome hat, the
   current API is exposed on the main thread and removing it will
   take work

   Youenn: can we apply the same logic to focusing on video first?


   Bernard: next steps include meeting with WHATWG
   … should we include discussion about the use cases at an
   upcoming interim?

   Harald: more generally, doing triage on our document list

   Dom: how can we unblock the shape discussion on mediacapture

   harald: I'm discussing open issues on Jan-Ivar's proposals that
   is generally growing on me; but need to check broader support
   from implementation side
   … I've created a label in media capture extensions to help
   tracking these

   Bernard: what about the feedback channel discussion?

   Harald: file an issue - I have some thoughts on the topic

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [18]scribe.perl version 149 (Tue Oct 12 21:11:27 2021 UTC).

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2021 16:03:51 UTC