from March 2021 by subject

[mediacapture-image] Does mediaStreamTrack/ImageCapture.grabFrame() do any encoding on raw video frames (#277)

[mediacapture-image] grabFrame cannot be cancelled (#276)

[mediacapture-image] Inability to turn off torch with track applyConstraints (#275)

[mediacapture-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Clarify Generator construction with required kind

[mediacapture-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Set up to generate HTML automaticall from bikeshed

[mediacapture-insertable-streams] Rename spec to Mediacapture Transform? (#17)

[mediacapture-main] Document default settings applied to tracks created by getUserMedia (#777)

[mediacapture-main] Inability to turn off torch with track applyConstraints (#779)

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version

[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Switch to transient activation.

[mediacapture-screen-share] Allow screen-captured application to influence MediaStreamTrack.label (#159)

[mediacapture-screen-share] API for Screenshot (#160)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Adopt feedback streams in RTCRtpScriptTransformer (#90)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Describe accurate threading model (#91)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Generalize ScriptTransform constructor (#89)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Add consideration of data cleanliness for security

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Fix case of Web IDL bigint type

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Fix repo name in bikeshed metadata

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Remove WebIDL from since they are now in the spec

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Rename object to options

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Rename some links to webrtc-encoded-transform

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Update

[webrtc-extensions] Add API to control WebRTC encoder, in particular to request key frame (#72)

[webrtc-extensions] Add RTOMax to RTCDataChannelInit (#71)

[webrtc-ice] Pull Request: Fix autolink to iceLite definition

[webrtc-ice] Pull Request: Use updated IETF references

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Add WPT tests covering RTCRtpScriptTransform (#68)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Add WPT tests covering SFrameTransform (#67)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Add back RTCInsertableStreams which was removed by error in PR62

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Add support for long keyID values

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Add youenn as editor

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Detect missing references on build

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Expose RTCEncodedAudioFrame and RTCEncodedVideoFrame in DedicatedWorker contexts

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Fix errors from partial interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Fix IDL for DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope extension

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Fix SFrameTransportOptions typo

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Moving back exposure to DedicatedWorker

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Remove DedicatedWorker for now and remove global which is wrong as well

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Remove script transform variant API

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Rename to WebRTC Encoded Transform

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Replace rtcObject with owner slot in the SFrame section

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Pull Request: Update explainer examples to use sender/receiver transform

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Remove WebIDL from (#83)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] RTCInsertableStreams dictionary removed accidentally? (#72)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] SFrameTransfor.setEncryptionKey cannot be set all possible keyID values (#69)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Should we rename SFrameTransform and RTCRtpScriptTransform (#65)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Some constructs should only be exposed to DedicatedWorker (#79)

[webrtc-insertable-streams] Update examples to showcase RTCRtpScriptTransform (#66)

[webrtc-nv-use-cases] Pull Request: Update links to IETF to use datatracker rather than

[webrtc-pc] Add RTOMax to RTCDataChannelInit (#2629)

[webrtc-pc] Cannot create offer after stop transceiver (#2638)

[webrtc-pc] Fix typo (#2640)

[webrtc-pc] How reuse transceiver (#2639)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: A merge guide for updating webrtc-pc

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix typo

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: s/last rtp timestamp/rtp timestamp/

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: simulcast example: remove signalling offer handling

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update links to IETF to use datatracker rather than

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version

[webrtc-pc] replaceTrack() called on a sender object from getSenders() on RTCPeerConnection does not work at receiver's end. (#2628)

[webrtc-pc] Typo in last paragraph of 5 item (#2632)

[webrtc-priority] Pull Request: Set up repo for automatic publication

[webrtc-priority] Pull Request: updated refs to IETF RFCs

[webrtc-priority] Spec is replaced by README (#21)

[webrtc-stats] Need to relate all timestamps to Unix time (#600)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Update links to IETF to use datatracker rather than

[webrtc-stats] why is candidate stats nullable instead of an empty string? (#601)

Call for Agenda items: March 25 virtual interim

Call for Exclusions: WebRTC Priority Control API

Date/Time for March Virtual Interim

Doodle Poll for next WEBRTC WG Virtual Interim (weeks of April 26 - 30, May 3 - 7)

Minutes of the March 25, 2021 WEBRTC WG Meeting

Moving the insertable-streams repos

Reminder: WEBRTC WG Virtual Interim Tommorrow

Weekly github digest (WebRTC WG specifications)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 17:00:20 UTC