Re: [EXTERNAL] Call for Consensus (CfC) on Adoption of the Insertable Streams API specification

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 1:46 AM Youenn Fablet <> wrote:

> Following on yesterday interim meeting, it seems there is consensus that
> e2e encryption is of great interest to people interested in insertable
> streams.
> We also want in a not-too-far future that web sites will not have to do
> their own crypto to implement it.
> Based on that, I think we should make a requirement that insertable
> streams be able to support native nodes/transforms, at least one dedicated
> to encrypting media.
> In parallel to working on insertable streams, or as part of it, we should
> actually define such a transform, probably based on the SFrame proposal.

This seems like the right course of action


We can hopefully isolate key management like HTMLMediaElement did with EME.
> I see several advantages:
> - We can ship features progressively with good confidence that we will not
> get stuck in a JS-only solution
> - We lay down a foundation where insertable streams is reusable with a key
> management system built in the browser (MLS?)
> - By specifying this specific transform, we will define hooks in the
> insertable stream spec required for this transform, some of these hooks
> surfacing at the JS level for proper polyfilling
> On 3 Jun 2020, at 07:52, Stefan Håkansson LK <
>> wrote:
> Thanks Bernard, sounds good. So a follow question could be: couldInsertable
> Streams somehow provide handles to GPU buffers which could enable WebGPU
> operations? Just thinking out loud (I should go and do some investigation
> myself).
> *From: *Bernard Aboba <>
> *Date: *Tuesday, 2 June 2020 at 19:58
> *To: *Stefan LK <>
> *Cc: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Call for Consensus (CfC) on Adoption of the
> Insertable Streams API specification
> On Jun 2, 2020, at 2:00 AM, Stefan Håkansson LK <
>> wrote:
> I’d like to see more work to determine if this model is also suitable for
> accessing raw media, and I’d also like to see overlap/sync vis a vis
> WebCodecs investigated.
> Regarding N22: would it be worth looking into whether WebGPU (
> <>)
> could be useful?
> [BA] Excellent points. Raw media is much larger than encoded, so
> performance is a concern. One thing under discussion in WebCodecs is
> whether it might be useful to provide handles to GPU buffers which could
> enable WebGPU operations on raw (or encoded) media.
> Prototyping of WHATWG stream support in WebCodecs did not go well, and
> issues relating to WebRTC parity and DRM support have been raised. So at
> present Insertable Streams is much closer to a “bird in the hand” although
> we are not sure what songs this bird may be able to sing.

Received on Friday, 5 June 2020 13:54:44 UTC