Need to add the fractionLost into the dictionary RTCInboundRtpStreamStats officially

Hi team,

I filed a bug to the Firefox about the fractionLost is missed in the 'inbound-rtp ‘. However, the guy in the Firefox team complains this field is not in the dictionary RTCInboundRtpStreamStats<> , so the Firefox will not support it. However, the top of this web page has the statement as below,

An implementation MUST support generating statistics for the type RTCInboundRtpStreamStats, with attributes packetsReceived, bytesReceived, packetsLost, jitter, and fractionLost.

The fractionLost is in the “MUST” support. But it is missed in the dictionary below

dictionary RTCInboundRtpStreamStats<> : RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats<> {
             DOMString<>            trackId<>;
             DOMString<>            receiverId<>;
             DOMString<>            remoteId<>;
             unsigned long<>        framesDecoded<>;
             DOMHighResTimeStamp  lastPacketReceivedTimestamp<>;
             double<>               averageRtcpInterval<>;
             unsigned long<>        fecPacketsReceived<>;
             unsigned long long<>   bytesReceived<>;
             unsigned long<>        packetsFailedDecryption<>;
             unsigned long<>        packetsDuplicated<>;
             record<><USVString<>, unsigned long<>> perDscpPacketsReceived<>;

Please add the fractionLost into the dictionary RTCInboundRtpStreamStats officially.

By the way, Chrome and Safari support it.



Received on Friday, 8 February 2019 08:30:00 UTC