F20 Was: Re: Review of May 15 WebRTC 1.0 draft

> On Jun 7, 2017, at 2:14 AM, Taylor Brandstetter <deadbeef@google.com> wrote:
>   F20           The browser must support the use of STUN and TURN
>                    servers that are supplied by entities other than
>                    the web application (i.e., the network provider).
> "defaultIceServers" somewhat accomplishes this. But the application still must opt in to using the default ICE servers. This goes against the spirit of the use case, which is “an enterprise wants all WebRTC traffic to go through its TURN server.” Not just “traffic from applications that opt in to using defaultIceServers”.

If there was some way for the JS to discover the address of the local network TURN server, it would be very nice. At the time I think people were thinking a DHCP option but it turns out to be hard for the browser to find out about what the DHCP client on the OS found out when doing DHCP. 

I realize there are issues with generic MDNS access in JS but would it work to all a browser to return to the JS the results of the a query for just the local turn server ? 

If we could do that, it would solve this requirement. 

Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2017 18:47:52 UTC