REMINDER! Re: Scheduling WebRTC Virtual Interim: please respond to Doodle

Please respond to Doodle!

On 18/10/16 08:45, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> Hi all,
> we'd like to have another WebRTC Virtual Interim meeting the week before
> the next IETF meeting in order to make progress towards a transition to
> CR for webrtc-pc.
> Please indicate your availability at
> by EOB Monday next week (we plan for the usual 1h30m duration).
> We also welcome proposals for things to address at the meeting (themes
> such as 'end of ICE candidates per transport', 'error
> handling/reporting', 'negotiationneeded event rules', 'what goes into
> offer' come into our minds).
> Stefan for the chairs

Received on Monday, 24 October 2016 10:14:51 UTC