New webrtc-pc Editor's draft (v20151123)


A new dated version of the Editors' draft is available.

Dated version:
Living document:

In addition to the functional changes listed below, Dom has set up the 
new Travis CI integration as well as done a huge number of editorial fixes.

Changes include:

[#325] Adding additional members to RTCIceCandidate dictionary

[#327] Adding sha-256 to the certificate management options for RSA

[#342] Using DOMTimestamp for RTCCertificate::expires

[#293] Add RTCRtpTransceiver and PeerConnection.addMedia

[#366, #343] Use RTCDegradationPreference

[#374] Throw on too long label/protocol in createDataChannel()

[#266] Tidy up setLocal/RemoteDescription processing model

[#361] Adding setCodecPreferences to RTCRtpTransceiver

[#371] Add RtcpMuxPolicy

[#385, #312] Don't invoke public API in legacy function section

[#394, #393] don't throw on empty iceServers list

Please review and provide feedback.

Adam (for the editors)

Received on Monday, 23 November 2015 13:03:35 UTC