Re: WebRTC Data Channel in Workers Proposal

On 26/05/15 17:11, Feross Aboukhadijeh wrote:
> I would like to propose that we support WebRTC Data Channel in
> Workers (`WebWorker`, `ServiceWorker`, etc.)

Thanks for the proposal!

> WebRTC DataChannel is basically a drop-in replacement for
> `WebSocket`, except it's peer-to-peer. For all the same reasons that
> `WebSocket` was added to the `Worker` spec, we should add WebRTC
> DataChannel.

The WebRTC data channel is attached to a RTCPeerConnection, I assume the 
natural thing to do would be to make the RTCPeerConnection also usable 
in Workers?
> Here are some possible use cases:
> - DataChannel in a `ServiceWorker` would support the use case of
> "peer assisted delivery" a la
> [PeerCDN](, CDN/P2P CDN video
> streaming delivery, file transfer, etc.
> - DataChannel in a `WebWorker` would support offloading CPU intensive
> data transfer and subsequent processing to another thread.
> - DataChannel in a `SharedWorker` would let one construct and reuse a
> DHT (a decentralized/distributed lookup service similar to a hash
> table) across tabs. Useful for routing to nodes in decentralized
> applications.
> Websockets are already available in Workers, so there likely aren't
> any new security/privacy issues, just potential for exciting new data
> channel use cases!

Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 16:27:00 UTC