Re: Question: how should addTrack work in relation to createOffer et. al.?

Den 14. mai 2015 03:46, skrev Jan-Ivar Bruaroey:
> On 5/13/15 3:36 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
>> On 13 May 2015 at 11:38, Harald Alvestrand <> wrote:
>>>> Think about the following:
>>>> pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
>>>> pc.addTrack(X);
>>>> pc.createAnswer().then(answer => { ... });
>>>> pc.addTrack(Y);
>>>> If code like this exists, then I think we need to have it fail
>>>> (because the state of the PC at the time that createAnswer is called
>>>> is not correct).  Then we get the sort of cleanliness that you are
>>>> looking for.
>>>> (We only get in this sticky situation because we carry state between
>>>> operations implicitly.)
>>> I'm not sure what you're saying here - to me it seems that
>>> createAnswer() is clearly called between pc.addtrack(X) and
>>> pc.addTrack(Y), but we don't have a description of when the .then task
>>> of createAnswer() (and thus the ... part) is called.
>>> Care to clarify?
>> This code is currently safe, and I know that people do exactly this.
>> But it only works because createAnswer is enqueued behind
>> setRemoteDescription: createAnswer doesn't actually get executed until
>> setRemoteDescription completes.
> Right.
>  1. setRemoteDescription is called
>  2. Track X is added
>  3. createAnswer is chained (not called)
>  4. Track Y is added
>  5. setRemoteDescription completes
>  6. createAnswer is called
>  7. createAnswer completes
> Which explains why Track Y gets included in this corner-case.
> We can:
>  1. Outlaw it
>  2. Complicate chain (put createAnswer(X and whatelse) on it)
>  3. Leave it
>  4. Always chain (make non-corner cases take Track Y as well)

5. Define that createAnswer's execution model is that it clones the
track list and chains a function innerCreateAnswer(trackListClone) that
does what the user expects given when createAnswer is called, rather
than itself being chained.

> Tightening up the processing models of createOffer and createAnswer to
> not race with JS is a separate issue.
> .: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Friday, 15 May 2015 08:21:54 UTC