Re: Question: how should addTrack work in relation to createOffer et. al.?

On 4/30/15 12:52 AM, Justin Uberti wrote:
> Obviously I prefer a deterministic outcome. But I think it would be 
> better to not include trackY in the createOffer output - it seems 
> unintuitive.

I think we're forgetting that createOffer is queued. By (sometimes *) 
queueing createOffer until later, we've made a choice about the state 
createOffer should run in, and it's not the current state!

As a result, copying anything from the current state seems 
counter-intuitive to me (which properties get copied and which don't?)

In the following example, createOffer runs in stable state, with both 
tracks added prior:

function received(offer) {
   pc.createAnswer().then(answer => {

     pc.createOffer(); // queued until stable state!

Excluding trackY here would be a feat, as it gets added way before 
createOffer runs (in have-remote-offer). Also, why want that?

.: Jan-Ivar :.

*) "sometimes" is Zalgo. See is about removing "sometimes".

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2015 16:10:48 UTC