Re: get ice candidate in use in connected/completed state

@harald thank you for the link. I'm looking forward to it being implemented.

I'm currently using the stats interface of google chrome
(non-standard), but as Raju pointed out -- it would be much better if
the connected/completed event can have the candidate it connected

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)
<> wrote:
> On 06/19/2014 01:41 AM, Iskren Chernev wrote:
> Once a connection has been established (PeerConnection
> iceConnectionState is completed or connected), is there any way to get
> the current ice candidate that is being used for the connection?
> I want to know if its a p2p connection or one going through a turn server.
> Once implemented, you should be able to get the selectedCandidatePairId of
> the RTCIceComponentStats - see
> [Raju] As was discussed in rtcweb threads, IMO there should be a much
> quicker and deterministic way of knowing the selected candidate than via
> stats. Ideally, the best time to know this is when ICE connection state
> reached “completed” state, probably via setting evt.candidate info in
> oniceconnectionstatechange() callback.
> BR
> Raju

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2014 23:48:57 UTC