Re: Our simple PeerConnection example with Futures/Promises

On 2013-06-10 14:23, Jim Barnett wrote:
> If we remove addStream(), what happens when renegotiation is needed?
> The streams will have already been added as part of the original
> offer/answer.  Should the developer pass them in again?  If we say
> that, then each offer or answer implicitly clears out any Streams
> that are in the PC.  Alternatively, we could say that the
> offer/answer uses any streams that are already in the PC, plus any
> that  are passed to the CreateOffer/Answer call.

Yes, we need to be very clear about this.

In the short example I provided, I used the dictionary key 
"streamsToAdd" to try to imply that these are the *new streams* that 
must be added to the offer. We could go the other way and require each 
offer to include all the existing streams as well. A natural way to do 
that would be to get a sequence of all currently local/sent streams with 
getLocalStreams(), add or remove streams from that structure and feed it 
to createOffer().


Received on Monday, 10 June 2013 12:44:21 UTC