Re: sdpMLineIndex required in RTCIceCandidate?

On Jul 24, 2013, at 12:17 AM, Philipp Hancke <> wrote:

> says that the sdpMid is optional ("If present...") whereas the sdpMLineIndex is assumed to be always there (?).
> Shouldn't it be the other way round since a=mid is required (e.g. by JSEP) and the recent trickle drafts (trickle-ice-01 and trickle-ice-sip-00) seem to have abandoned a=m-line-id?
> If the answer is 'yes' I'd propose moving
> 	sdpMid of type DOMString, , nullable
> in up to the second position and moving the "If present" to the description of the sdpMLineIndex.
> I'd note that given an mid you can calculate the m-line index. So this is not a big issue.

Good point that we should sort this out. 

I think this is one of the details that needs to be sorted out and some of the darts have probably become a bit inconsistent. One case we should keep in mind is what happens when a brewer is given SDP that does not have a=mid lines

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 22:02:23 UTC