On 16 Jul 2013 00:49, "Iñaki Baz Castillo" <ibc@aliax.net> wrote:
> Honestly I would like to read some kind of veredict on this topic from
> chairs. At this point I do not know *who* is deciding or assuming the
> conclusion you assert, and people does not want to waste time
> providing new API proposals if they are doomed before birth.
In my experience you should never wait for being "allowed" to send a new
proposal, but just do it when you think something needs to change - in
particular after so many people have already stated similar needs. The
reason being that others won't really understand what you are proposing
until you actually make a full technical proposal. Holding yourself back is
just self-censorship and not constructive. At minimum you will get good
reasons why your proposal is not necessary - at best you've started a new
work item. Don't wait until you have worked out the "best" solution either
- it will most certainly need more input from the group no matter how
"mature" you think your first submission is.
Just my 2c worth.