Re: Expose capabilities / Allow for IP:Post based connections / Better abstraction

> I assume that your polyfill uses WebSocket as the transport?

Yes, my polifill
( is using
WebSockets as underlying data transport (UDT on the WebRTC

> In that case
> you connect the two peers via a server (and not peer-to-peer); hence no need
> to exchange candidates. The majority of the code (and the complicated parts)
> in the DataChannel example (in the spec), is actually connecting the two
> peers. Once you have that, creating a DataChannel is rather easy.
So candidates are mandatory? What's the data that needs to be
interchanged? I have seen that up to seven candidates are
interchanged, why so much? Couldn't this be made transparent to the

> The web app can't set it's own ports and the receiver ip/ports for security
> reasons.

I totally agree, publicly allow random connection with IP:port is a
security issue, but there should be an option to directly connect
without needing a handshake server and having at most the STUN data.
At this moment I'm using UUIDs to identify the peers on the server and
interchange the SDP strings, but there should be an easier,
no-server-dependent solution to be able to develop a real serverless
P2P architecture...

> Compare WebSockets [1], which similarly to WebRTC is exposed in
> regular browsers, to the Raw Socket API [2] that developed in SysApps which
> is targeting packaged applications and other cases where you have a manifest
> and the app runs in an elevated security mode.
> /Adam
> [1]
> [2]
Oh, well... good to know about raw-sockets, but seems really crazy as
a solution... Isn't there any solution half-way from raw-sockets to
websockets/datachannels, or couldn't be able to be developed?

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Received on Monday, 8 July 2013 10:32:02 UTC