Event handlers in RTCPeerConnection

None of the event handlers for RTCPeerConnection have specific types
associated with the event.

This might be OK for the "stuff just happened events":
             attribute EventHandler          onnegotationneeded;
             attribute EventHandler          onopen;

Each of the following produces an event that includes additional attributes:
             attribute EventHandler          onicecandidate;
 - candidate : RTCIceCandidate
             attribute EventHandler          onstatechange;
 - state : RTCPeerState
             attribute EventHandler          onaddstream;
 - stream : MediaStream
             attribute EventHandler          onremovestream;
 - stream : MediaStream ?
             attribute EventHandler          ongatheringchange;
 - state : RTCGatheringState
             attribute EventHandler          onicechange;
 - state : RTCIceState
             attribute EventHandler          onidentityresult;
 - assertion : RTCIdentityAssertion
 - verified : boolean

Rather than using the generic EventHandler for each of these events, a
specific, typed callback function for each these would make
documentation easier.  That callback would take a subclass of Event
that included the extra attributes.

Obviously, for some of these it could be just a matter of following
through e.target.iceState or something like that, but others contain
vital information.  It would be nice if this could be more clearly


Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 19:57:21 UTC