Interaction of AddStream and OfferToReceive

I am trying to get clear on the interaction of the
OfferToReceive{Audio,Video} with
which m-lines go in the SDP. My general model is that the browser tries to
guess based on what streams you add and then you can finely control it
with constraints. I.e., I believe you get the following table for audio and a
similar one for video:

                                |    AddStream(audio)   |    No AddStream(audio)
OfferToReceiveAudio unspecified |    m=audio, sendrecv  |    no m-line
OfferToReceiveAudio = no        |    m=audio, sendonly  |    no m-line
OfferToReceiveAudio = yes       |    m=audio, sendrecv  |    m=audio, recvonly

Do people agree with this?


Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 14:21:26 UTC