RE: OfferToReceive in CreateAnswer

On 28 October 2012 14:29 Martin Thomson wrote:
> On 28 October 2012 04:47, Hutton, Andrew wrote:
> > The constraint to indicate that the application only wants to receive
> > video surely applies to the answer as much as it applies to the offer
> > the problem is that the name and the text in the draft implies to that
> > it only relates to the offer.
> I think that the question is whether it should be possible using
> constraints to reject incoming streams.  That would provide the
> symmetry that we are looking for here.

It seems to be more than just being able to reject incoming streams it is also about setting the direction so an incoming offer may indicate a=sendrecv but the application may decide to indicate it will accept the incoming stream but is not going to send any video at this time so might respond with a=recvonly.

> InboundAudio: true and InboundVideo: true as constraints would work, I
> should think.  They could apply to offers (in that they would trigger
> the creation of an appropriate m= section.  And in answers, they would
> shape the characteristics of the response: a=sendonly or m=audio 0.
> That's not perfectly symmetrical in the latter instance, you could
> always create the streams and use a=inactive, but that seems a little
> wasteful, especially if we aren't bundling.
> --Martin

Received on Sunday, 28 October 2012 16:10:13 UTC