Re: Spec question: Declaration of IceCandidate

On 06/19/2012 10:11 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Le vendredi 15 juin 2012 à 14:21 -0400, Justin Uberti a écrit :
>> Therefore, I suggest the following declaration of IceCandidate. I
>> think it is useful for this to be an object as opposed to a
>> dictionary, since in the future we could add accessors to get at all
>> the various candidate fields (component, foundation, etc).
> If this is something we may need in the future (but don't have clear use
> cases for now), can't we just go with a dictionary now, and make it an
> object if and when we need it?
> Using a dedicated interface will require developers to use a constructor
> when a simple JavaScript object would do, without any concrete benefit.
not using a dedicated interface now will mean that we have to support 
simple JavaScript objects forever, I assume.

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 08:46:14 UTC