RE: Recording such streams locally

Hello Boaz,

I posted a similar question a couple weeks ago.  The answer given by the chairs of this group was that media recording has been factored off to the Media Capture TF.  That group is waiting on specific proposals in order to proceed.

I am willing to help draft such a proposal, but other obligations prevent me from working on this immediately.  Perhaps I will free up in a couple weeks.


From: Boaz Sender []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:53 AM
Subject: Recording such streams locally

After a comment on chromium's MediaStreamRecorder issue (, I noticed that the use case of recording MediaStreams locally has been removed from the latest editors draft of the WebRTC (, where as it is present in the latest published draft of the WebRTC spec (,, etc).

Does this mean that recording MediaStreams locally is no longer a target use case for the WebRTC specified native APIs?

Boaz Sender

Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 20:22:17 UTC