Re: Stats v2 proposal - for Thursday's meeting

On 12/11/2012 04:48 PM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Enclosed is my stats v2 proposal, as it stands today.
> Things to note:
> - Using the dictionary *grammar* to describe objects, without making
> dictionary *objects* (since that's impossible to implement due to some
> WebKit limitations).
> - Using an unique "id" to point between different objects inside the
> stats DB.
> - Focusing on the objects that need defining, expecting to fill in the
> stats references later.
> I think this looks cleaner. It's obvious (to me, at least) where to add
> the stats that aren't included yet.
> It's only 6 pages, including the introduction and a code example.

I think it would be cleaner if we did the object orientation thing we 
did for DTMF for stats as well. So, instead of doing

pc.getStats(selector, callbakcfunction);

you'd do

var statsReporter = pc.createStatsObject(selector);

and then using the statsReporter object to obtain stats.

> Comments welcome - more on Thursday!
>              Harald

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 10:18:43 UTC