RE: Microsoft API Proposal

On 25 August 2012 09:42, Cullen Jennings (fluffy) wrote:
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:47 AM, Martin Thomson <> wrote:
> > On 25 August 2012 06:42, Cullen Jennings (fluffy) <> wrote:
> >> 
> >> sorry, I am confused on what an unofficial submission to the w3c is. Is this a submission from the W3C member
> (in this case Microsoft) or this a random comment sent to a public mailing list. I was under the impression you
> were the Microsoft representative and emails from you represented the Microsoft position. I'm happy to receive
> random emails to a public list, but I think you need to be very clear about which this is.
> > 
> > Consider this input to the working group.  No more, no less.
> > 
> > Not exactly random.  We strive very hard to minimize local entropy.
> > 
> that did not answer my question

I answered your question a few weeks ago.

It is neither a Member Submission (which is not appropriate since it is in the scope of an existing working group)
nor is it random. It is a member contribution under the Process as I indicated previously.



Received on Monday, 27 August 2012 15:31:03 UTC