Housekeeping: Open actions in the WG tracker

Reminder.... we haven't done that much tracking of promises to do stuff, 
but here's the current list of outstanding items.

If you think there are things done, please comment!

ACTION-9    open    Send new use cases on getUserMedia to webRTC 
mailing-list    Richard Tibbett
ACTION-11    open    Add Hints API to API spec    Cullen Jennings
ACTION-12    open    Add Stats API to API spec    Daniel Burnett
ACTION-13    open    Add Capabilities API to ROAP and API spec    Daniel 
ACTION-14    open    Revise Data API proposal and mail to list    Harald 
ACTION-15    open    Look into mechanisms to handle incoming 
notifications, and report to WG    Dan Druta
ACTION-16    open    Propose how to tie into identity frameworks for 
comms partner verification    Mahalingam Mani
ACTION-17    open    Draft an API proposal for a DTMF track inside a 
MediaStream.    Cullen Jennings
ACTION-18    open    Contact Web and TV/Media TF to understand if their 
reqs and views of MediaStreams and Tracks is similar    Stefan Håkansson
ACTION-19    open    Propose update of MediaStream API to allow adding 
and removing tracks    Adam Bergkvist

I believe ACTION-17 (DTMF) may be considered completed, given Justin 
Uberti's proposal, and the lack of objections.
ACTION-14 (Data API) is on Justin Uberti, who is not listed as a WG member.

Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 09:00:36 UTC