webrtc: Face-to-face meeting Jan 31st/Feb 1st


As many of you already know, the IETF rtcweb WG is arranging a f2f 
meeting on January 31st - February 1st next year in San Jose.

Since rtcweb/webrtc is essentially a joint effort between the IETF 
rtcweb WG and this WG, the webrtc chairs have proposed to allocate half 
a day of that meeting to the W3C webrtc WG.

This has been accepted by the rtcweb chairs, and the initial idea is to 
allocate the afternoon of Feb 1st to webrtc. This may change (to morning 
or Jan 31st), but the important info is:

*There will be a webrtc WG face-to-face meeting on January 31st or 
February 1st 2012 in San Jose*,

so you can plan accordingly.

Stefan for the chairs

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2011 10:30:46 UTC