Re: Requirement doc draft

On 08/26/11 15:12, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> All,
> the draft requirements document earlier circulated by email has been 
> uploaded:
> The proposed changes regarding "context" and possibility to indicate 
> e.g. audio only have been incorporated in this version.
> All feedback/input is welcome.
> Stefan
Hm. Now that I see the two documents in context, I get quite worried 
about the ability to track requirements back to use cases. The two 
documents can VERY easily get out of sync, and now that the actual API 
requirements are no longer in the use case document, the lists of 
A<number>s look very out of place.

I would be less nervous about the linkability if the requirements 
document included a list of the use cases by name, with section numbers 
in the IETF spec, and the A<number> lists.

Sorry for not seeing this point when the initial version was circulated 
by email...

Received on Monday, 29 August 2011 10:00:44 UTC