Re: Mapping of media streams to RTP (Re: Query: What does "context" mean in the context (sic) of requirement A15? [ACTION-6])

On 8/24/2011 11:47 AM, Elwell, John wrote:
>> RTCP doesn't have a delay if a SR is the first thing sent on
>> a session,
>> as recommended in draft-perkins-avt-rapid-rtp-sync-03 section 2.1.1 -
>> this is permitted by RFC 3550 too, it notes.
> [JRE] OK, so CNAME can be used to map an RTP stream to a given media description in SDP. CNAME alone does not indicate the purpose of an RTP stream - it would still need something else to map it to "game" or "agent", and that is where a=content comes in.

Don't count on RTCP getting received...  Start of a session might even 
be the worst place for it.

Randell Jesup

Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 20:16:16 UTC