Re: [mediacapture-main] risk model of stored permissions and constraint opportunities (#991)

> You're also trusting

In this case, I *do* trust Replit (they have my credit card), and I also trust myself. In granting this permission, there is nothing but good faith. As a user, the unexpected gap in the trust model is that I have to trust everyone else creating content on Replit (not intuitive nor practical), in the event that Replit isn't taking (demonstrably uncommon) steps to isolate the permission.

I think we're approaching clarity:

1. We agree there is a risk here? That a user is prompted to allow the use of the camera and/or microphone, and that permission has unexpectedly broad scope?
2. Sites that allow third-party use of the API do not commonly implement granular controls. I have personally not encountered any examples in the wild.
3. The technology exists to implement said protections, today, across browsers. It's a little clumsy in that each site host has to provide a bespoke interface for third-party code to request camera access (such as an authenticated flow, UX outside the iframe, or postMessage et al), but it is entirely possible.

If those points are firm, I argue that they feel like a spec-shaped problem. In the sense that something is wrong, and no one is doing a currently-viable thing about it?


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