Re: [mediacapture-main] risk model of stored permissions and constraint opportunities (#991)

Thank you for calling attention to this! I agree websites have not responded adequately to this risk. Things I think might help: clearer spec guidance; calling them out on it; competition.

Where I disagree:

> In this case, I do trust Replit (they have my credit card), ... As a user, the unexpected gap in the trust model is that I have to trust everyone else creating content on Replit (not intuitive nor practical), ...

Maybe don't trust websites that create such gaps, and complain?

> the high cost/complexity of securing this trust the "right" way suggests it should be browser-side

That would be a regression. We tried this before The idea of trusting iframes within a page was more confusing to most users, not less.

Think of what the prompt would say. Figma defines what a "figma plugin" is. Steam defines what a "game" is. You don't want browsers defining these things.

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