[mediacapture-automation] Broken references in Media Capture Automation (#4)
[mediacapture-image] Add support to get and set desired image format (#185)
[mediacapture-main] Avoid circular definition of muted. (#982)
[mediacapture-main] Clarify each source is responsible for specifying mute/unmute behavior (#984)
[mediacapture-main] Fix export of track-muted and set-track-muted. (#986)
[mediacapture-main] How should MediaStreamTrack interact with BFCache? (#974)
[mediacapture-main] Mark resizeMode, sampleRate, sampleSize, latency as features at risk (#958)
[mediacapture-main] Mark sampleRate, sampleSize, latency as features at risk (#958)
[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Add guidance for defining a new source of MediaStreamTrack
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Fix export of track-muted and set-track-muted.
[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Mark sampleRate, sampleSize, and latency are at risk
[mediacapture-main] The [=muted=] concept is exported wrongly (#985)
[mediacapture-main] Transformation of camera signal into displayed frames on screen in a video capture pipeline. (#981)
[mediacapture-output] Undesirable prompt from selectAudioOutput({deviceId}) if valid device removed (#137)
[mediacapture-record] Is the project still maintained? (#221)
[mediacapture-record] isTypeSupported() algorithm should be more specific (#92)
[mediacapture-record] Reconsider isTypeSupported() API (#93)
[mediacapture-record] The changes in the canvas are not being recognized correctly. (#218)
[mediacapture-region] Should we support strings in addition or in lieu of opaque identifiers? (#46)
[mediacapture-region] Specify a predictable error type for unimplemented Element subtypes (#57)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Can a shared surface select its derivative window? (#282)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Can I share some Windows? (#280)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Distinguish cancellations from absent OS permissions (#281)
- Elad Alon via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- youennf via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Elad Alon via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Elad Alon via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Elad Alon via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- youennf via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Elad Alon via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
- Jan-Ivar Bruaroey via GitHub (Tuesday, 9 January)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Explicitly create MediaStream tracks in getDisplayMedia algorithm (#294)
[mediacapture-screen-share] getUserMedia media streams capturing issue in MV3 (chrome extension) with respect to constraints (#296)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Multiple screen capture (#292)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Prevent unintentional leaks (#220)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Explicitly create MediaStream tracks in getDisplayMedia algorithm
[mediacapture-screen-share] Should pending getDisplayMedia() calls reject on sleep and/or screen-lock? (#287)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Should we have a screenshare extension spec? (#297)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Spec should make use of https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-main/#dfn-create-a-mediastreamtrack to create MediaStreamTrack (#293)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Want to restrict the options of the getDisplayMedia API (#295)
[mediacapture-transform] Add a Makefile to locally build the spec from bikeshed (#99)
[mediacapture-transform] Call VideoFrame Close algorithm instead of VideoFrame close method (#102)
[mediacapture-transform] How does generator.mute change track states? (#81)
[mediacapture-transform] Is MediaStreamTrackProcessor for audio necessary? (#29)
[mediacapture-transform] new commits pushed by henbos
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Add a note stating that audio MediaStreamTrackProcessor has not reached consensus
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Add makefile to locally build the bs spec
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Allow UA to clamp maxBufferSize to a value between 1 and the value provided by the web page
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Call VideoFrame Close algorithm instead of VideoFrasme close method
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Fix two typo
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Make MediaStreamTrackProcessor.readable readonly
[mediacapture-transform] Pull Request: Writing a closed video frame should reject
[mediacapture-transform] Should we document in the spec that there is no consensus on whether supporting MediaStreamTrackProcessor for audio? (#92)
[mediacapture-transform] Spec should link to https://www.w3.org/TR/webcodecs/#close-videoframe instead of calling close() (#91)
[mediacapture-transform] Support of VideoTrackGenerator.applyConstraints success is unclear (#97)
[mediacapture-transform] UAs should be allowed to not respect maxBufferSize (#95)
[mediacapture-transform] What happens when the MediaStreamTrack of the VideoTrackGenerator (and all its clones) get stopped? (#93)
[mediacapture-transform] What is a valid MediaStreamTrack (#94)
[mediacapture-transform] What is the impact of timestamp for video frames enqueued in VideoTrackGenerator? (#96)
[mediacapture-transform] Writing a closed video frame to VideoTrackGenerator.writable should fail (#100)
[mst-content-hint] Add health warning on "text" constraint (#56)
[mst-content-hint] highly detailed text in video content (#35)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Add definition of RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata frameId and dependencies (#222)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Add description of an API for controlling SDP codec negotiation (#186)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Is RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata.frame_id actually an unsigned long long of does it wrap at 16 bits? (#220)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Is RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata.frame_id actually an unsigned long long or does it wrap at 16 bits? (#220)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Add definition of RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata frameId and dependencies
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Constructor frame
[webrtc-encoded-transform] Should RTCRtpTransceiverInit have sendTransform and receiveTransform members? (#221)
[webrtc-encoded-transform] width/height metadata on incoming streams (#138)
[webrtc-extensions] Add an internal slot for active candidate pairs. (#194)
[webrtc-extensions] Add API to control encode complexity (#191)
[webrtc-extensions] Add RTCIceTransport method to remove candidate pairs (#175)
[webrtc-extensions] Add steps to clear [[CandidatePairs]] in response to ICE restart (#196)
[webrtc-extensions] Define an RTCIceCandidate match algorithm. (#192)
[webrtc-extensions] How is RTCRtpCodec codec used? (#195)
[webrtc-extensions] new commits pushed by henbos
[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Add an internal slot for active candidate pairs (re-upload)
[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Add an internal slot for active candidate pairs.
[webrtc-pc] add test coverage annotation for sdp munging (#2928)
[webrtc-pc] Adding and stopping transceiver before first offer will result in unremovable transceiver (#2923)
[webrtc-pc] Applying a remote offer with unsupported codecs results in stale transceiver (#2927)
[webrtc-pc] Changing RTCRtpTransceiver direction from recvonly to sendrecv on the answerer side doesn't fire negotiationneeded event (#2919)
- Michał Śledź via GitHub (Wednesday, 3 January)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 3 January)
- Philipp Hancke via GitHub (Wednesday, 3 January)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 3 January)
- Michał Śledź via GitHub (Tuesday, 2 January)
- Michał Śledź via GitHub (Tuesday, 2 January)
- Philipp Hancke via GitHub (Tuesday, 2 January)
- Michał Śledź via GitHub (Tuesday, 2 January)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 1 January)
- Michał Śledź via GitHub (Monday, 1 January)
[webrtc-pc] Clarify simulcast envelope is a sender property (#2921)
[webrtc-pc] Clarify unmute event must fire on receiver.track AFTER sRD(offer) succeeds (#2880)
[webrtc-pc] Consider making RTCIceCandidatePair an interface (#2930)
[webrtc-pc] data channel default binaryType value is 'blob' (#2170)
[webrtc-pc] Document test updates associated with amendments (#2910)
[webrtc-pc] Inconsistent rules for rid in RTCRtpEncodingParameters (#2732)
[webrtc-pc] Is "same PT, different FMTP lines" allowed in BUNDLE? (#2766)
[webrtc-pc] is addTrack(track, stream, stream) allowed? (#2803)
[webrtc-pc] Is it illegal to modify sdp between createOffer and setLocalDescription? (#2907)
[webrtc-pc] make setCodecPreferences only look at receive codecs (#2926)
[webrtc-pc] maxFramerate probably should not be allowed in addTransceiver/setParameters for audio senders (#2815)
[webrtc-pc] Modify the codec description model to ease describing changes (#2925)
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by henbos
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: add test coverage annotation for sdp munging
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: make setCodecPreferences only look at receive codecs
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Move Simulcast envelope concept to RTCRtpSender.
[webrtc-pc] QUIC as Transport for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) (#2924)
[webrtc-pc] setCodecPreferences vs unidirectional codecs (#2888)
[webrtc-pc] Should media capabilities influence what is exposed in what is exposed in WebRTC offers and answers (#2929)
[webrtc-pc] Should RTCRtpTransceiver.setCodecPreferences() only refer to RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(kind)? (#1998)
[webrtc-pc] support for alpha channel when transferring canvas. (#2920)
[webrtc-pc] Transceivers stopped prior to being negotiated are never removed from the set of transcievers (#2838)
[webrtc-pc] TURN servers running over webtransport (#2651)
[webrtc-pc] Update the accessibility section 14 to include RFC 8865 for real-time text in WebRTC data channel (#2931)
- Gunnar Hellström via GitHub (Wednesday, 31 January)
- Brian Rosen via GitHub (Wednesday, 31 January)
- Christer Holmberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 31 January)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 31 January)
- Christer Holmberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 31 January)
- Gunnar Hellström via GitHub (Tuesday, 30 January)
- Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 30 January)
- Gunnar Hellström via GitHub (Friday, 19 January)
- Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Friday, 19 January)
- Gunnar Hellström via GitHub (Thursday, 18 January)
[webrtc-pc] WebRTC spec should explicitly specify all causes of a PeerConnection-sourced track being muted (#2915)
[webrtc-pc] what error is thrown for an SDP without a a=fingerprint attribute (#2672)
[webrtc-pc] Why is RTCIceCandidatePairStats.totalRoundTripTime mandatory to implement, but not responsesReceived? (#2819)
[webrtc-stats] [editorial] add "only exists" clause to various audio/video stats (#774)
[webrtc-stats] Add "only exists" clause to various audio/video stats (#774)
[webrtc-stats] Change "Does not" to "must not" (#775)
[webrtc-stats] Is codec.sdpFmtpLine present when there is no fmtp line in the SDP? (#779)
[webrtc-stats] Is codec.sdpFmtpLine present when there is no sdpFmtpLine in the SDP? (#779)
[webrtc-stats] Lifetime of outbound-rtp should start BEFORE first packet is sent (#781)
[webrtc-stats] Make "not present" reference "map/exist" (#776)
[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by henbos
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: clarify that sdpFmtpLine may not be there
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Replace 'Does not map/exist' with 'MUST NOT map/exist'
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Replace 'is not present' with 'MUST NOT be [= map/exist | present =]'
[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: sync local-candidate url definition with webrtc-pc
[webrtc-stats] Replace 'Does not map/exist' with 'MUST NOT map/exist' (#777)
[webrtc-stats] Replace 'is not present' with 'MUST NOT be [= map/exist | present =]' (#778)
[webrtc-svc] new commits pushed by aboba
[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Aboba patch 12
[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Rewrite of Privacy Considerations Section
[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Use canonical AV1-RTP-SPEC reference
[webrtc-svc] Rewrite of Privacy Considerations Section (#97)
Closed: [mediacapture-main] Transformation of camera signal into displayed frames on screen in a video capture pipeline. (#981)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] Is the project still maintained? (#221)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] isTypeSupported() algorithm should be more specific (#92)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] Reconsider isTypeSupported() API (#93)
Closed: [mediacapture-record] The changes in the canvas are not being recognized correctly. (#218)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Can a shared surface select its derivative window? (#282)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Can I share some Windows? (#280)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Multiple screen capture (#292)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Should pending getDisplayMedia() calls reject on sleep and/or screen-lock? (#287)
Closed: [mediacapture-transform] How does generator.mute change track states? (#81)
Closed: [mediacapture-transform] What happens when the MediaStreamTrack of the VideoTrackGenerator (and all its clones) get stopped? (#93)
Closed: [webrtc-encoded-transform] Is RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata.frame_id actually an unsigned long long or does it wrap at 16 bits? (#220)
Closed: [webrtc-extensions] Describe a match algorithm for two RTCIceCandidatePairs (#187)
Closed: [webrtc-extensions] Describe a match algorithm for two RTCIceCandidates (#186)
Closed: [webrtc-extensions] ICE improvements: remove candidate pairs (#170)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Adding and stopping transceiver before first offer will result in unremovable transceiver (#2923)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Changing RTCRtpTransceiver direction from recvonly to sendrecv on the answerer side doesn't fire negotiationneeded event (#2919)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Clarify simulcast envelope is a sender property (#2921)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] data channel default binaryType value is 'blob' (#2170)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] is addTrack(track, stream, stream) allowed? (#2803)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] maxFramerate probably should not be allowed in addTransceiver/setParameters for audio senders (#2815)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] what error is thrown for an SDP without a a=fingerprint attribute (#2672)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Why is RTCIceCandidatePairStats.totalRoundTripTime mandatory to implement, but not responsesReceived? (#2819)
Closed: [webrtc-stats] Change "Does not" to "must not" (#775)
Closed: [webrtc-stats] Is codec.sdpFmtpLine present when there is no fmtp line in the SDP? (#779)
Closed: [webrtc-stats] Make "not present" reference "map/exist" (#776)
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 17:26:37 UTC