Re: [webrtc-stats] Clarify media-source frame rates (frames and framesPerSecond) (#708)

Now that we have [MediaStreamTrack Statistics](, i.e. `track.stats`, we do have stats from capture to delivery to sinks.

So I think we should re-think this part:

> Clarify that these are the frames prior to adaptation. Adaptation is an encoder implementation detail, so frames dropped due to adaptation should be part of the delta between input fps and encoder fps.

If the frames are prior to adaptation, they're almost the same think as `track.stats.deliveredFrames`. Alternatively, if we update the spec to match what the [implementation is already doing](, i.e. they are frame counters _after adaptation_, then we have a good measure on what WebRTC is trying to encode with.

Either option is valid, but since we already have `track.stats`, it might actually make sense to say that `media-source` is AFTER adaptation. This gives the app more information.

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