Re: [webrtc-encoded-transform] Add description of an API for controlling SDP codec negotiation (#186)

Trying to piece together Jan-Ivar's suggested changes one at  a time:

Jan-Ivar said:
>I disagree with this conclusion. I think transforms become entangled with a sender or receiver on assignment and >aren't really reusable or agnostic
>I think we can leverage this to simplify the API. Pardon my ignorance if I miss something, but given a codec:
>const codec = {
>  mimeType: "video/vp8-encrypted",
>  clockRate: 90000,
>  fmtp: "encapsulated-codec=vp8",

I don't think we can reuse the "fmtp" parameter - that's stuff that has external meaning.
So we'd have to go back to my previous proposal of adding a "packetizer" attribute (or some other parameter with other meaning), which was agreed to be dropped in Seville.

But I'm not clear about what semantics you would want to attach to this extra parameter.

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