from January 2023 by subject

[mediacapture-fromelement] Specify when requestFrame() captures the canvas content (#28)

[mediacapture-handle] Expose a MessagePort using Capture Handle (#70)

[mediacapture-image] Need to capture unique frames (#9)

[mediacapture-main] Better documentation of ended event (#924)

[mediacapture-main] Garbage collection of live tracks (#910)

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by aboba

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by jan-ivar

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Fix default allowlist link that broke.

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Split device sanitation note into separate paragraph

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version 32.6.1

[mediacapture-main] Replace use of browsing context with modern constructs. (#919)

[mediacapture-main] Update Privacy and Security Considerations to reflect spec. (#897)

[mediacapture-output] Fix default allowlist link that broke. (#134)

[mediacapture-output] Pull Request: Fix default allowlist link that broke.

[mediacapture-record] Ability to record non-realtime / frame-by-frame (#213)

[mediacapture-record] Input width, height MUST be recorded and playable (#172)

[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Add keyframe distance support.

[mediacapture-region] Is muting track the right call for empty cropped tracks? (#9)

[mediacapture-screen-share] Auto-pause capture when user switches captured content (#255)

[mediacapture-screen-share] Capability polling - capture-while-minimized (#257)

[mediacapture-screen-share] new commits pushed by jan-ivar

[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Fix default allowlist link that broke.

[mediacapture-screen-share] Remove restriction over changing capture source (#170)

[mediacapture-transform] Is MediaStreamTrackProcessor needed? (#73)

[mediacapture-transform] Update proposal according to WG directions (#66)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] add mimeType to metadata (#140)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Add rtp timestamp and capture time to RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata (#137)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] audio: add rtp sequence number on incoming frames (#154)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] expose RTP sequence numbers (#166)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] make generateKeyFrame take a list of rids and return a promise<undefined> (#165)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] new commits pushed by alvestrand

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Tell SDP negotiation to negotiate support for non-standard codecs (#172)

[webrtc-extensions] Add getDataChannels() method on RTCPeerConnection (#110)

[webrtc-extensions] Deprecate audio/video enumeration in getCapabilities in favour of Media Capabilities API (#95)

[webrtc-extensions] Disabling hardware acceleration (#98)

[webrtc-extensions] How to deal with encoder errors? (#127)

[webrtc-extensions] maxFramerate probably should not be allowed in addTransceiver/setParameters for audio senders (#107)

[webrtc-extensions] Negotiationless codec selection and per-encoding layer codec configuration (#126)

[webrtc-extensions] new commits pushed by aboba

[webrtc-extensions] Not clear what should happen if header extensions are inconsistent across bundled transports (#140)

[webrtc-extensions] Potential web compat issue with setOfferedRtpHeaderExtensions (#130)

[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Per-encoding codec selection

[webrtc-extensions] Should setOfferedHeaderExtensions be allowed to restart stopped extensions? (#134)

[webrtc-extensions] Suggestion: rename [[HeaderExtensionsToOffer]] to [[HeaderExtensionsSupported]] (#132)

[webrtc-extensions] support disable ipv6 candidate in RTCConfiguration (#138)

[webrtc-pc] A simulcast transceiver saved from rollback by addTrack doesn't re-associate, but unicast does (#2796)

[webrtc-pc] Add RTCPeerConnection.getDataChannels() (#2770)

[webrtc-pc] Allow encoder resolution alignment in scaleResolutionDownBy. (#2808)

[webrtc-pc] Ignore comma-separated rid alternatives. (#2813)

[webrtc-pc] is addTrack(track, stream, stream) allowed? (#2803)

[webrtc-pc] maxFramerate probably should not be allowed in addTransceiver/setParameters for audio senders (#2815)

[webrtc-pc] Missing url in RTCIceCandidateInit (#2795)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by caribouW3

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by jan-ivar

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Ignore comma-separated rid alternatives.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update explanation of simulcast envelope.

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update to ReSpec version 32.6.1

[webrtc-pc] RTCIceTransport.getRemoteCandidates() does not return prflx candidates (#2124)

[webrtc-pc] Should garbage collecting RTCDataChannels be observable? (#2624)

[webrtc-pc] Update explanation of simulcast envelope. (#2814)

[webrtc-pc] Update to ReSpec version 32.6.1 (#2816)

[webrtc-pc] Updates to RTCPeerConnection.connectionState should happen when new RTCDtlsTransports/RTCIceTransports are created and destroyed due to negotiation (#2817)

[webrtc-provisional-stats] new commits pushed by henbos

[webrtc-provisional-stats] Pull Request: Affiliation change

[webrtc-stats] "media-playout" needs to have a "kind" member (#727)

[webrtc-stats] Add "kind" to RTCAudioPlayoutStats (#728)

[webrtc-stats] Add RTCInboundRtpStreamStats:decoderFallback (#724)

[webrtc-stats] Don't export the informative RTCStats reproduction (#721)

[webrtc-stats] Fix stats object reference in example code (#726)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by henbos

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Add "kind" to RTCAudioPlayoutStats

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Add RTCInboundRtpStreamStats:decoderfallback

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Fix stats object reference in example code

[webrtc-stats] Update "Retiring stats objects" section to reference the provisional spec (#729)

[webrtc-svc] Add Media Capabilities Sample (#78)

[webrtc-svc] Lack of access to webrtc-svc (#80)

[webrtc-svc] new commits pushed by aboba

[webrtc-svc] new commits pushed by jan-ivar

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Add Media Capabilities Sample

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Remove extension to getCapabilities() in favour of MediaCapabilities

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Remove extension to getCapabilties() in favor of MediaCapabilities

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Update getParameters() to not return the default scalabilityMode

[webrtc-svc] Remove extension to getCapabilities() in favour of MediaCapabilities (#76)

[webrtc-svc] Remove extension to getCapabilities() in favour of MediaCapabilities (#77)

[webrtc-svc] Returning the default scalabilityMode problematic after fallback (#75)

[webrtc-svc] should scalabilityMode be an array scalabilityModes? (#50)

[webrtc-svc] SVC getCapabilities() is redundant with Media Capabilities query (#49)

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Check if we use "Browsing Context" in our specs (#913)

Closed: [webrtc-extensions] Disabling hardware acceleration (#98)

Closed: [webrtc-extensions] maxFramerate probably should not be allowed in addTransceiver/setParameters for audio senders (#107)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] A simulcast transceiver saved from rollback by addTrack doesn't re-associate, but unicast does (#2796)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Handling of simulcast attributes with multiple choices in a version seems to be underspecified (#2769)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] scaleResolutionDownBy's odd-resolution requirement trips up HW encoders (#2802)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] The prose around "simulcast envelope" falsely implies that simulcast encodings can never be removed (#2723)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] "media-playout" needs to have a "kind" member (#727)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] `getCapabilities` seems to leak hardware capabilities w/o a permission (#22)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] Lack of access to webrtc-svc (#80)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] Returning the default scalabilityMode problematic after fallback (#75)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] should scalabilityMode be an array scalabilityModes? (#50)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 17:25:51 UTC