Re: [webrtc-pc] Composed RTCPeerConnection.gatheringState seems wrong in some cases (#2914)

> I think the gathering state should never be "new" again. You can create an offer with iceRestart but that is only provisional and does not lead to the (re)creation of a transport (neither does creating the initial offer). So this only gets "committed" when you call SLD but that should set the new transport into "gathering" mode immediately.


> (this is confusing and we probably have subtly different mental models)

Yeah, I think we're using some terminology differently. When I say an ICE restart is "committed", I'm referring to the moment when we've decided that we're definitely going to try to use the new transport; when offer/answer concludes. Until that happens, we're kinda in transport limbo; we're gathering for a new underlying transport, but haven't started ICE for it yet, and we don't know whether we'll actually end up using it (note: this is the same sort of situation you get when reoffering an m-section unbundled). Once the answer is applied, then we start ICE on that new transport, while the old continues running for some unspecified duration to allow for continuity.

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