Re: [webrtc-pc] Composed RTCPeerConnection.gatheringState seems wrong in some cases (#2914)

> What's the model that forces you to assume two underlying transports? doesn't seem to assume that the transport is changed - the RTCIceTransport represents "the ICE transport layer for the RTP or RTCP component of a transceiver or group of transceivers".

A new set of candidate pairs, which ICE starts on from scratch, is a new transport in exactly the same way that a new non-bundled m-section is a new transport. Exactly the same state carries over in each of those cases (ie; the certs and basically nothing else). You still need to do a new DTLS handshake, you still need to establish new SRTP keys, you still need to carry out a new SCTP handshake (if you're using datachannel), etc. You can try to abstract that away (eg; with RTCIceTransport), but that's really what is going on under the hood.

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