Re: [mediacapture-screen-share] Add ability to crop a MediaStream obtained through the share-this-tab API (#158)

> Again, cropping is not a security guarantee, so no, they're not approving only the cropped area.

I beg you to read my messages more carefully. The user approves the entire tab. I've been arguing that very point all along. Like [here]( "The end-user consents to capturing the entire tab, always." If you think this is not clear enough, I am always eager to hear how I can enhance the clarity of my writing.

> (Crbug 2276 aside) how would one implement only a non-default value web-compatibly?

By raising an exception, either compatibly or incompatibly. But that is not the best way forward. It would be better to align our visions: I do not consider cropping to the current iframe an important case, but I do consider cropping to an arbitrary iframe important. One is a subcase of the other. If we specify some support for cropping to an arbitrary iframe, then Chrome will implement that ability relatively soon. It will then be trivial to support "self" as well. That means no risk of a gap between specification and implementation; no compatibility issues; **no problem setting "self" as the default value**. A good compromise, I believe.

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