Re: [mediacapture-screen-share] Identification of Captured Application By Capturer (#166)

> In that case, maybe the generated ID should actually be a JS object that would be a proxy to the captured tab.

This would be a much taller order with significant implications for security. At the moment we're having trouble reaching consensus over something far more modest, despite kicking off the effort 2 months ago and despite all previous proposals from Apple being adopted. I think it's better to think of this as a potential extension. (Please recall that while discussing this feature, Apple has argued for **reducing** initial scope. For example by removing `exposeOrigin` and always exposing.)

> If we go with a generated ID, it could represent the tab and be immutable on navigation.

We could discuss either a generated ID that's mutable or immutable on navigation. But before we delve into that topic, I think it would be useful to understand if Mozilla and Apple would accept such a proposal. I would like to have **firm goalposts**.

Full disclosure - I am **very** unhappy with a browser-assigned ID for several reasons. We can go into that soon. But I'd like to at least establish this as our last remaining point of disagreement.

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