Re: [mediacapture-image] Deny mandatory PTZ contraints in basic getUserMedia contraints (#261)

> Allowing required constraints in advanced sets has the same fingerprinting consequences as allowing them in the basic set.

@guidou Not really, because 

> getUserMedia({video: {pan: {exact: 10}}) gives OverconstrainedError if pan is not supported, which is a fingerprinting issue.

...throws without a prompt (albeit at the risk of prompting the user, but it works even if they deny), whereas

> getUserMedia({video: advanced: [{pan: 10, width: 10, resizeMode: "crop-and-scale"}]) gives you width 10 if pan is supported and width different from 10 if pan is not supported

...only fingerprints **_if_** the user grants permission. If they **_don't_** grant permission then no fingerprint; a significant difference.

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