Re: [webrtc-pc] Unassociated, stopped transceivers after createOffer: Present or absent? (#2576)

An unassociated stopped transceiver won't have any effect on outgoing offers, according to JSEP: (Initial offers)

  "The next step is to generate m= sections, as specified in [RFC4566],
   Section 5.14.  An m= section is generated for each RtpTransceiver
   that has been added to the PeerConnection, excluding any stopped

5.2.2 Subsequent offers

 o  If an RtpTransceiver is stopped and is not associated with an m=
      section, an m= section MUST NOT be generated for it.  This
      prevents adding back RtpTransceivers whose m= sections were
      recycled and used for a new RtpTransceiver in a previous offer/
      answer exchange, as described above.

If we add the words "if the transceiver is not associated with a media section, remove it from the set of transceivers" to the procedure for transceiver.stop(), I think we end up in a less confusing place.

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