Re: [mediacapture-image] Clarify meaning of PTZ constraints presence (#256)

> > ```js
> > navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: {tilt: {}}});
> > ```
> > would select a tilt capable camera or fail with OverconstrainedError,
> That is probably what we want to avoid.

Not really. A web site should have an option to choose either way.

> If there is no PTZ camera, we probably want getUserMedia to resort to any other available camera (with a non PTZ prompt).

That could be achieved with hotfixed fitness distance by
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: {advanced: [{tilt: {}}]}});
If there are no PTZ cameras, the advanced constraint `{tilt: {}}` were dropped because its fitness distance were positive infinity. As a result the only remaining constraint would be video thus any available camera would do.

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