Re: [mediacapture-main] What happens when laptop lid is closed / phone display is turned off? (#670)

At Nightly 76 and Chromium 82 when laptop lid is closed after `getUserMedia()` is executed - and the setting is specifically "When laptop lid is closed: Suspend" - the setting ha no effect. Am able to record audio while laptop lid is closed without the Power Manager setting affecting `MediaStream` or `MediaStreamTrack`, as expected. 

The "Suspend" option has the same effect as the "Lock Screen" option at the OS where tested.

That is is just using a Power Manager GUI, without attempting to navigate around whatever result is being considered here re Media Capture and Streams somehow attempting to access the device settings and state.

`MediaStreamTrack` does not fire `mute` or `unmute` events.

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Received on Friday, 27 March 2020 02:43:14 UTC