[mediacapture-main] Clarify request for permission is for both audio *and* video (editorial). (#556)
[mediacapture-main] MediaStream in HTMLMediaElement: Does it have a first frame? (#555)
[mediacapture-main] Specify a way for WebDriver to add/remove/setup capture devices (#554)
[mediacapture-record] Make pause(), resume() and stop() idempotent. (#158)
[mediacapture-record] new commits pushed by jan-ivar
[mediacapture-record] new commits pushed by yellowdoge
[mediacapture-record] Not clear if onpause/onresume should not be fired if it is already paused/recording (#150)
[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Make pause() and resume() idempotent.
[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: stop(), pause() and resume() now set state synchronously, for historical reasons.
[mediacapture-record] Should stop(), pause(), resume() change state synchronously? (#123)
[mediacapture-record] Shouldn't remaining async methods run "in parallel"? (#131)
[mediacapture-record] stop(), pause() and resume() now set state synchronously, for historical reasons. (#157)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Address corner-cases where `getDisplayMedia` prompts only to later fail. (#96)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Be consistent with error handling (#68)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Behavior for getDisplayMedia() and getDisplayMedia({}) should be the same (#65)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Clarify that we only process (including TypeError) applicable constraints (#95)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Clarify that we only process/TypeError on applicable constraints (#95)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Constraint to exclude application audio (echo) (#79)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Define DisplayMediaStreamConstraints dictionary with video = true (#92)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Define originAudio (#94)
[mediacapture-screen-share] getDisplayMedia({video:false}) is interpreted as getDisplayMedia({video:true}) (#85)
[mediacapture-screen-share] MediaStreamTrackCapabilities (#93)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Mention capture of system audio (#61)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Offer high level source filtering (#62)
[mediacapture-screen-share] Pull Request: Define originAudio
[webrtc-pc] Add AddressFamily knob for TURN (#2018)
[webrtc-pc] Allow addIceCandidate(null) again for backwards comp and symmetry. (#2040)
[webrtc-pc] Allow addIceCandidate(null) for backwards compatibility w/adapter (#2039)
[webrtc-pc] Clarifications of certificate expiry (#2045)
[webrtc-pc] Cleanup connection states. (#2036)
[webrtc-pc] Create separate SVC document (#1961)
[webrtc-pc] Describing which media description is offerer tagged. (#2001)
[webrtc-pc] DTLSTransport: No description of when to fire the error event (#2044)
[webrtc-pc] https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#set-pc-configuration could be made clearer on matching certificates (#2043)
[webrtc-pc] Make codecPayloadType read-only (#2037)
[webrtc-pc] Matching of origin for RTCCertificate objects is unclear (#2011)
[webrtc-pc] More simulcast examples (#2035)
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba
[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand
[webrtc-pc] Partially connected peerconnection might have "new" connectionstate. (#2031)
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Allow addIceCandidate(null) again for backwards comp and symmetry.
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Cleanup connection states.
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: getRemoteCertificates() to use an internal slot.
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Make codecPayloadType read-only
[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Refer to whatwg same-origin and current settings to define the certificate origin check
[webrtc-pc] Refer to whatwg same-origin and current settings to define the certificate origin check (#2041)
[webrtc-pc] RTCCertificate expires check is not precisely defined (#2042)
[webrtc-pc] set-pc-configuration is unclear on how to match certificates (#2043)
[webrtc-pc] setCodecPreferences and transceiver direction change (#2006)
[webrtc-pc] Simulcast behavior (#1996)
[webrtc-pc] special-casing of a=msid:- (#2027)
[webrtc-pc] Specify how codec preferences is affected by direction. (#2030)
[webrtc-pc] Start using new issue labels (#2019)
[webrtc-stats] [DataChannels] Expose bandwidth or congestion window from the SCTP lib (#377)
[webrtc-stats] Add a "panel test" to track implementation status (#346)
[webrtc-stats] Add a note controlling exposure of remote candidate addresses (#381)
[webrtc-stats] add stunserverconnectionstats (#372)
[webrtc-stats] Exposing RTCIceCandidateStats.networkType might trigger fingerprinting (#374)
[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand
Closed: [mediacapture-record] Not clear if onpause/onresume should not be fired if it is already paused/recording (#150)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Be consistent with error handling (#68)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Behavior for getDisplayMedia() and getDisplayMedia({}) should be the same (#65)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] getDisplayMedia({video:false}) is interpreted as getDisplayMedia({video:true}) (#85)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Mention capture of system audio (#61)
Closed: [mediacapture-screen-share] Offer high level source filtering (#62)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Allow addIceCandidate(null) for backwards compatibility w/adapter (#2039)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Create separate SVC document (#1961)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Make RTCDtlsTransport.getRemoteCertificates asynchronous? (#2034)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Matching of origin for RTCCertificate objects is unclear (#2011)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Partially connected peerconnection might have "new" connectionstate. (#2031)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCCertificate expires check is not precisely defined (#2042)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] setCodecPreferences and transceiver direction change (#2006)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Start using new issue labels (#2019)
Closed: [webrtc-pc] Using codecPayloadType with addTransceiver() (#2008)
Last message date: Saturday, 29 December 2018 06:27:50 UTC