[webrtc-pc] createDataChannel touches DOM "in the background"

jan-ivar has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc:

== createDataChannel touches DOM "in the background" ==
[createDataChannel](https://rawgit.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/master/webrtc.html#dom-rtcpeerconnection-createdatachannel) says: *"Return channel and continue the following steps in the background."*

First, it should be "[in parallel](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#in-parallel)".

Second, the in parallel steps must [queue a task](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#queue-a-task) to run the [update the negotiation-needed flag for connection](https://rawgit.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/master/webrtc.html#dfn-update-the-negotiation-needed-flag) algorithm which touches DOM stuff (we can't touch DOM stuff in parallel with JS).

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1597 using your GitHub account

Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 19:38:01 UTC