Draft "summary of decisions"

This is the meat of what I plan to send (note there is no decision on 
the first two items - I will move them to a separate section when 
sending). Please let me know what I got wrong:

Issue 979/PR 996: When is an RTCSctpTransport Created and Destroyed?: 
Something about being created at pr-answer - I did not record any 
decision apart from "Taylor will update PR"

Issue 116/PR 990: Add an explicit stats selection algorithm: discussed, 
two things noted: J-I would prefer something recursive instead of a 
fixed list. Several preferred having sender/receiver as selcetor instead 
of track

PR 988: Add RTCOfferOptions.reofferOptions: DECISION: We will not merge 
this one. JSEP expected to provide what is needed.

Issue 709: offerToReceiveAudio/offerToReceiveVideo remain in 
implementations: DECISION to add this back into the spec (in the 
compatibility section). Note that only the binary/boolean version will 
be added back in (indicating that you are offering to receive one track)

Issue 961: Effect of a BYE on RTCRtpReceiver.track: Bernard's proposed 
resolution was generally liked, but there are some corner cases to sort. 
DECISION: to go in the direction of Bernard's proposed resolution.

Issue 962: Event when a transceiver is stopped via remote action: 
Bernard's proposed solution was like, DECISION to add to spec.

Issue 714/PR 1000: STUN/TURN auth credential management (OAuth): 
DECISION: got with the "hybrid" API, and make username optional.

Issue 404: Revive createObjectURL?: The idea of reviving was disliked. 
DECISION: do not revive. (Implementors promised to add deprecation 
warnings and similar, and demo code etc. will be gone through to change 
to .srcObject.)

Issue 425: Do we update legacy methods to keep up with the spec?: 
DECISION: do nothing (for the time being at least).

Issue 426: Move “advanced” out of constrainable pattern: DECISION: defer 
this discussion until there is some spec that intend to use 
constrainable pattern and does not like to implement advanced.


Received on Friday, 27 January 2017 09:59:37 UTC