Agenda, October 22 2015

OK, here we go again.

Overarching items:

TPAC agenda at - thoughts?

Mediacapture-main pulls:

#258 Reorganize definition of constrainable properties without a  (burnburn)
#260 Update privacy section with lessons from TAG questionnaire (adam-be)
#262 Fingerprint marks (adam-be)
#263 Align onoverconstrained (adam-be)

Mediacapture-main bugs:

#118 A practical algorithm for constraint resolution needs to be
#127 Lack of timeout / cancellation leads to UI inconsistencies (alvestrand)
#193 How is adaptive frame rate to be handled? (alvestrand)
#212 Privacy/security review questions (dontcallmedom)
#227 Update onoverconstrained event handler attribute description (burnburn)
#232 clone a track: "inherit" not defined (adam-be)
#238 Some text on constraints needs updating. (burnburn)
#242 Management of track members in a stream (aboba)
#244 Explain how extensions are to be done (burnburn)
#246 track.applyConstraints() doesn't do anything. (burnburn)
#248 Conflicting information about OverconstrainedError.constrain (burnburn)
#249 PING: Document tradeoff for non-HTTPS usage of getUserMedia (aboba)
#250 PING: Refer to security-arch on the MUST inside Best Practic (aboba)
#251 PING: Mark fingerprintability of device enumeration (aboba)
#257 Non-existent constraints attribute in 4.3.2 (burnburn)

Peerconnection pulls:

#266 Tidy up setLocal/RemoteDescription processing model (adam-be)
#293 Add RTCRtpTransceiver and PeerConnection.addMedia. (adam-be)
#315 Reorganize travis setup to use centralized check script
#317 Make RTCDataChannels Transferable ()
#333 Bunch of (mostly) editorial suggestions ()
#342 Using DOMTimestamp for RTCCertificate::expires ()
#347 Fix for Issues 320 and 321 ()
#349 Defining RTCIceCandidateFull, which inherits from RTCIceCand ()
#350 RTCRtpSender support objects -> interfaces ()

Peerconnection PCs:

I suggest we start from #151 and try to assign the items to someone.

#8 Need to add public to RTCIceTransports (alvestrand)
#21 Use of MUST and must is completely inconsistent throughout (burnburn)
#39 Specify unassigned media handling (stefhak)
#133 Streams that become isolated generate errors on PC ()
#140 DataChannel.onerror callback needs an error argument specifi (burnburn)
#142 "Hold" unspecified (aboba)
#143 TURN authentication failures should be surfaced as some even (juberti)
#150 when closing, all outstanding actions are cancelled and thei (adam-be)
<-- start here -->
#151 close is synchronous & idempotent ()
#156 add note about addtrack being async (stefhak)
#163 RTCDataChannel::send() steps are not proper. ()
#179 Potentially private IP addresses revealed ()
#187 How to prevent tracks from being renegotiated after rejectio ()
#224 Not clear when responding PeerConnection reaches iceconnecti ()
#226 RTCIdentityOption defined but never used ()
#227 .mid attribute - random or Null when MID is not present in S ()
#230 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers ()
#244 set{Local|Remote}Description is underspecified ()
#245 add back addstream event ()
#246 RTCIceCandidate's sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex members ()
#250 Identity provider should be listed as product in the Conform ()
#251 Update RTCTrackEvent to use FrozenArray<> ()
#253 Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the user
#257 ICE Candidate should have accessors for protocol-relevant it ()
#263 over riding default ice servers ()
#265 Add Privacy/security review questions ()
#267 Need a bitrate definition ()
#274 Add API points for creating the ICE/DTLS transport and RtpSe ()
#275 RTCStatsReport seems broken ()
#277 Side-effects of mitigations for #179 in demo pages  ()
#278 How does the JS know if ICE is connected but DTLS isn't? ()
#286 The "consumer of the session description” conflicts with ter ()
#287 nit: "audio stream” and “video stream" mentions (burnburn)
#288 Does addTrack require the streams argument? (stefhak)
#295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand)
#296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba)
#305 Describe what happens when media changes (alvestrand)
#308 RTCRtpSender.get/setParameters is underspecified (adam-be)
#309 Use of DOMHiResTimestamp in Section 8.5 (aboba)
#312 We should not reference the public API in algorithms (adam-be)
#316 Don't use Interface.attribute to refer to properties of inst (adam-be)
#319 Work through error definitions (burnburn)
#320 Section 7.1 typo (aboba)
#321 Section 8.5.1 typo (aboba)
#324 Let RTCCertificate.expires have type DOMTimeStamp ()
#328 RTCBundlePolicy Enum section should not be non-normative ()
#329 "none" as a RTCIceCredentialType ()
#330 Get rid of RTCAnswerOptions? ()
#331 Creating an ICE agent is not defined ()
#332 Timing of ICE gathering  ()
#334 Consider using the streams API for DataChannel instead of ba ()
#335 DOMError is removed from the platform; use DOMException inst ()
#336 No definition of "applying an ICE candidate" ()
#337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP ()
#338 specify what parts of the SDP can be changed between the cre ()
#339 Parsing stun/turn URLs ()
#340 `RTCPriorityType` not aligned with names in rtcweb-transport ()
#341 [FIPS-180-3] has been replaced by  [FIPS-180-4] ()
#343 RTCDegradationPreference vs RTCQualityPreference ()
#344 Should references to RFC5506 and  RFC3550 be normative? ()
#345 Missing handling of createDataChannel() with a too long labe ()
#346 Missing handling of createDataChannel with a too long protoc ()
#348 RTCRtpSender section doesn't include the definition for RTCR ()

Received on Thursday, 22 October 2015 12:35:01 UTC