Agenda, May 28

Overarching issues:

Work style - does the current style work for us?
In what roles would more manpower help get things resolved faster?


Pull requests:
#170 Errors - not ready yet?
#171 HTML 5.1 reference for srcObject - ready?
#172 Use [Exposed] - ready?

Travis is still failing because of the link problem on these - not rerun

#118 Practical algorithm - HTA was to push this to list.
#127 Timeout - still sleeping
#157 rename enumerateDevices - close due to LC disposition?
#161 Remove Direct Assignment - see #171
#162 MediaStreamError - working on it, see #170
#163 Use [Exposed] - see #172
#173 Consider specifying a minimum length for deviceId - NEW

LC issues:
Stuff that needs editing in rather than more discussion:
- LC-3022 Latency constraint - Peter's promised a PR
- LC-3027 Internationalization of "message" - needs some words
- LC-3019 IDL errors - we *can* patch this to make IDL checkers happy
(more dummy types). Should we?


Pull requests:

#29 mediadiscarded - time to find another Martin?
#195 replaceTrack - the first cut didn't cut it, but list discussion
seems to suggest that we now know approx. what we want.
#215 Expiring certificates - merge?
#221 Define when RTCRtpReceivers are created and dispatched - Adam?
#222 Replace operations array with a chain - does anyone care?
#225 Support for pending and current SDP - still discussion with
Jan-Ivar in JSEP
#228 QoS API (priority) - debated hotly on list. Waiting for
Martin/Peter to spec alternative (RTPSender.EncodingParameters, with a
get/set model for changing).
#229 Removing optionality from constructors - good?

Some selected bugs:

#129 Encoding Parameters -see discussion on #228
#140 DataChannel.onerror() needs an error parameter specified (another
Error! Yay!)
#151 close is synchronous and idempotent
#179 IP address revelation - where do we think we are?

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 21:01:58 UTC